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HomeBlog General 2016: There will be things you can change and things that you can’t change….

2016: There will be things you can change and things that you can’t change….

17th December 2015

I used to work with a very wise guy from Zimbabwe and he once said to me, “Natasha, in life there will always be things that you can change and things that you can’t change, so you must find a way to adapt to the things that you can’t change, and strive to change the things that you can!” 

As we look back on 2015, it’s certainly been a year of change in the NHS and in the pharmaceutical industry. In the companies that I recruit for I’ve seen mergers and acquisitions, consolidations and team-builds, new job titles and new job descriptions, companies growing and companies shrinking. In the healthcare sector as a whole there are on-going waves of exciting new change from precision medicine and digital health to big data initiatives and genomic innovation. When it comes to changes in the NHS it’s difficult to know where to start but most importantly for patients, there have been new ground-breaking product launches which are changing peoples’ lives for the better right now. 

You will have influenced and most certainly have been impacted by at least some of these changes. 

As a recruiter my role is all about facilitating positive change;  helping my clients to expand their teams or to find interim support or to seek-out specific talent; helping individuals to explore their career options or to understand the job market or with industry news and insight. I’m looking forward to assisting more people than ever before with changes in 2016 as we celebrate Zenopa’s 25-year anniversary. Furthermore I’m excited about undergoing changes in my fitness levels as I train for the Isle of Wight Challenge with my colleagues as our 2016 charity challenge (jogging 66 miles in under 20 hours)! 

Whatever changes you are looking to facilitate in your life I wish you every success for 2016 and as you contemplate the year ahead and the positive alterations that you would like to see on the horizon consider what advice and assistance you might need along the way and call me if I can help.

Direct line: 01494 818053

Email: natasha@zenopa.com

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