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As a new starter to a business, your check list for success may well only consist of two things. Firstly, being friendly and get on well with your new colleagues. Secondly, simply, do well!
But how easy it is to start a new role without a thorough plan of how to be successful in what is arguably the most important time of employment? There are many ways you could put this plan together but below is a small check list of areas we should all address seriously before going full bore with excitement and enthusiasm.
- What does a successful 3 months look like? What would you like to look back and have achieved by the end of this time? It could be praise from a manager, your first slice of commission or turning around that difficult account people said you would struggle with. Whatever IT is, make sure you know what you are aiming at.
- Vulnerabilities. This can be hard but it’s important to take a look in the mirror and think “where are my weaknesses?” If you know where you need work, then this is where you should focus more of your efforts. Of course, this is not as negative as it may sound, you have to know your strengths to know the weaknesses and you should let these shine whilst learning new skills. It’s important to revisit these weaknesses, once a month perhaps, as they will change, and by adapting your focus you will not only stay ahead of the curve but gain a great deal of satisfaction from seeing where you have grown and developed.
- Who do you work with? It can be easy to get on a single-track to achieving your targets but what makes your colleagues tick and what are their targets? This will not only allow you to help them but it can go a long way to developing a good relationship.
A well planned, positive start to a new role can start you in good stead with managers and colleagues and is a great base to build from. In amongst all the excitement and nerves, take time to set yourself some simple goals, you won’t know how far it could spring board you to your ideal start unless you try.
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