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HomeBlog General Removing the emotion

Removing the emotion

13th August 2013

For every job there can only be one successful candidate. With this in mind, as a recruiter I have had to pass on my fair share of negative feedback. At times this feedback can hit a nerve and when someone is emotionally invested in an opportunity an emotional outburst can follow which can soon turn into animosity.

Easier said than done, but what I would encourage people to do is to remove this emotional attachment from the job hunt as much as possible and to take this negative feedback in a positive and constructive way in order to become the best candidate for the next opportunity. That is not to say that you should lose any enthusiasm for the position during the process or to come across as robotic at interview but to remove your heart from your sleeve in order to land that perfect opportunity.

In a competitive market place where you can be up against 10+ candidates at first stage it is not just your performance on the day, but how you can use your previous interviewing experiences to improve upon your style and self awareness. It is a natural reaction to take personally the rejection of being told that you were not successful, but to take a step back and really listen to the feedback given and to turn the negative into a positive step to make sure that next time the offer will be yours! 

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