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HomeBlog General Zenopa offsets an additional 10 tonnes of CO2e through tree planting

Zenopa offsets an additional 10 tonnes of CO2e through tree planting

25th May 2022

Zenopa is proud to announce that it has offset an additional 10 tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2). CO2 is a potent greenhouse gas and a significant contributor to global warming and climate change.

Zenopa initially offset 10 tonnes of CO2 in 2021 at Bank Woods, Summerbridge, which positively contributed to the environment and enabled our carbon footprint to be minimised. This year, Zenopa offset another 10 tonnes of CO2 through tree planting in Dowgill Grange, Summerbridge in North Yorkshire, to preserve our planet for future generations.

Zenopa continuously strives to do better for the environment through our paperless and energy-efficient office and our recycling pledge.

Zenopa’s Director of Central Services, Louise Snape, commented: “Zenopa takes its commitment to reducing our carbon footprint seriously. As we have a low carbon footprint, achieved through a policy of part office, part home working, highly efficient remote Citrix servers, LED lighting, softphones and heat exchangers, Zenopa will minimise its carbon footprint with the help of Make it Wild by offsetting 10 tonnes of CO2e every year through tree planting.”

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Zenopa raised £210.00 for Cancer Research UK

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