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Home Industry News Abbott drug shown to heal fistulas

Abbott drug shown to heal fistulas

23rd October 2008

Abbott has released new data showing the success of its Humira (adalimumab) product on the healing of fistulas in patients affected by Crohn’s disease.

The pharmaceutical company said its clinical research of a one-year, phase III trial demonstrated over half of its subjects suffering from severe or moderate forms of the affliction experienced fistula healing for up to three years.

It defined “healing” of the intestinal tunnels – which can develop in up to a third of sufferers – as either spontaneous or gently compressed absence of fistula drainage.

Additionally, the data also showed Humira provoked a response in patients considered difficult to treat and had previously been unresponsive, partly unresponsive or intolerant of infliximab.

The company’s results were presented at the United European Gastrolenterology Week event in Vienna, Austria.

“Fistulas can affect a patient’s lifestyle due to discharge, bleeding and faecal incontinence,” said Dr Jean-Frederic Colombel, Professor of gastroenterology at Hospital Huriez in Lille, France.

“Treatments that promote fistula healing are important – particularly for difficult-to-treat patients.”

Related Abbott news recently included the receipt of a Complete Response Letter from the food and drug administration in the US.

It referred to the company’s new drug application for a controlled-release form of hydrocodone with acetaminophen.

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