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DoH reports new study ‘finds no MMR-autism link’
The Department of Health (DoH) has announced that a new independent virus study has found no evidence of a link between the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine and autism.
Described as the most comprehensive study ever taken, this research comes a decade after the publication of the original article in the Lancet by Dr Andrew Wakefield that suggested the MMR vaccine may be unsafe.
The report was a joint study from Manchester University, the Health Protection Agency and Guys Hospital and looked for the measles virus and antibody levels in children, with blood sample analysis conducted by laboratories praised by the World Health Organisation.
Dr David Brown, from the Health Protection Agency, said: “The study found no evidence linking MMR to autistic spectrum disorder and the paper adds to the overwhelming body of evidence from around the world supporting the use of MMR.”
He added that public confidence has remained high in the vaccine, with stable figures for the uptake of those receiving their first dose, while he reminded parents that it is vital for children to complete the full course of the vaccine for maximum protection.
In April 2006, research from Health Protection Scotland found a rise in the risk of nursery children catching measles and attributed this increase to parental concerns regarding the MMR vaccination.
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