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Home Industry News Eli Lilly announces Oncology On Canvas winner

Eli Lilly announces Oncology On Canvas winner

24th October 2008

Eli Lilly has announced Nikko Shabtai from Beverly Hills, California, won the Best of Exhibition prize in the third biennial Oncology On Canvas: Expressions of a Cancer Journey competition in recent days.

The company notes Mr Shabtai’s acrylic painting – called As I Am, Beautiful and Whole – won the first prize in the event, which took place at the Altman Building in New York.

Lilly explains an award of $10,000 (6,252 pounds) was donated to the architect’s cancer charity of choice – the Cancer Schmancer Foundation – which was founded by the actress Fran Drescher and educates women on the early detection and risk factors of women’s cancers.

A total of 26 prizes were awarded to 22 cancer charities selected by the 19 winning entrants across various categories.

Cathy Bonner, president and chief executive officer of the National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship, states it is almost a misnomer to refer to the event as a competition.

“Everyone who is a part of it takes something positive away from the experience – be it the relief of putting his or her feelings about cancer on canvas, or the joy of eyeing a piece from the exhibition and thinking, ‘I’m not alone – someone else understands how I feel’,” she adds.

Lilly recently announced it had entered into a supply agreement with Amylin for the development compound exenatide.

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