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Home Industry News Horiba launches MultiWell module for LabSpec 6 Spectroscopy Suite

Horiba launches MultiWell module for LabSpec 6 Spectroscopy Suite

28th November 2014

Horiba has announced the launch of a new module that will allow its Raman microscopes to be utilised as high-throughput chemical analysers.

The new MultiWell module for the acclaimed LabSpec 6 Spectroscopy Suite is compatible with a wide range of well plates, micro-titre plates and micro-spot arrays, while also allowing custom plates to be accommodated and optional reference locating tools used.

With this new add-on, scientists will be able to perform non-destructive, chemically rich analysis, while also enjoying high sample turnaround times and a quick return on investment. An intuitive Plate Wizard can be used to configure virtually any plate used by the Raman system.

This will significantly extend the capabilities of LabSpec, making it available to users where high-throughput screening is a key requirement.

Dr Simon FitzGerald, Raman software product manager at Horiba Scientific, said: "Combined with its advanced analysis routines and customised reporting module, LabSpec 6 is now a cost-effective single platform capable of handling the industry's complete Raman requirements."

This follows the recent introduction of the version 6.3 update of the LabSpec 6 Raman spectroscopy software, which introduced new features such as a 3D surface and volume display module.ADNFCR-8000103-ID-801763227-ADNFCR

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