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Home Industry News Merck launches IsoBag for contact and settle plate transfers

Merck launches IsoBag for contact and settle plate transfers

21st March 2016

Merck has announced the launch of IsoBag, a new product that will help improve productivity for environmental monitoring customers.

Designed to make workflows more efficient, productive and flexible, the IsoBag allows for faster and more convenient transfers of contact and settle plates to production isolators, eliminating the need for single-bagged plates to be decontaminated and stored in the isolator.

The IsoBag solution offers pre-packed gamma-irradiated plates to help save time and reduce costs by eliminating the need to decontaminate plate bags.

All plates are produced in cleanrooms and are available with four neutralisers for inactivation of a wide range of disinfectants and inhibiting residues.

Theresa Creasey, head of applied solutions strategic marketing and innovation at Merck's life science business, said: "We understand how precious time and lab space are to our customers. Our new IsoBag is a great example of our continued focus on the development of high-impact innovations."

The company is seeking to reinforce its status as one of the life science industry's biggest players following its purchase of Sigma-Aldrich last year.ADNFCR-8000103-ID-801815026-ADNFCR

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