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Home Industry News MSD reports positive Januvia one-year data

MSD reports positive Januvia one-year data

24th September 2007

Merck, Sharp and Dohme (MSD) has presented one-year clinical trial data relating to the investigational use of Januiva (sitagliptin) as a combination therapy with metformin as a treatment for patients with type two diabetes.

The trial results show that patients administered with this combination therapy showed improvements in markers of beta cell function compared to those receiving metformin alone.

In the study, 67 per cent of type two diabetes patients taking the Januvia-metformin combination saw A1C levels of less than seven per cent, compared to 44 per cent of those treated solely with metformin.

John Amatruda, vice-president of clinical research at MSD, noted that initial therapy with a single drug can fail to result in the attainment of pre-set blood sugar goals in patients.

“Many patients may require initial combination therapy, and this study provides important and useful information about the use of sitagliptin and metformin, in addition to diet and exercise, in order to achieve and maintain blood sugar control,” he said.

He added that the trial investigated the effect of the administration of Januvia in conjunction with metformin over the course of a full year.

In March 2007, MSD announced that Januvia had been granted marketing authorisation by the European Commission as a combination treatment with metformin for patients with type two diabetes to enhance control of blood sugar.

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