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Home Industry News Roche ups US Tamiflu distribution

Roche ups US Tamiflu distribution

6th January 2006

Roche is to increase its distribution of the influenza treatment Tamiflu to areas of the US heavily affected by the disease.

The company had cut back on its shipping of the drug to the US as concerns over avian influenza had led to large amounts of stockpiling.

However, high levels of flu in certain western and mid-western states, particularly California, Utah and Texas, have led to a change in policy.

George Abercrombie, president and CEO of Hoffmann-La Roche, said: “When demand for Tamiflu rose last year, Roche took appropriate precautions to ensure adequate supplies would be available for the treatment and prevention of seasonal influenza.

“Because of those precautionary measures, Tamiflu is readily and widely available to patients who need it for flu treatment and prevention, while we continue to work with governments to supply stockpiles for pandemic preparedness.”

Tamiflu limits the ability of the flu virus to reproduce and can reduce severity and length of a case, if taken early enough. It has been approved in the US for the prevention and treatment of the virus.

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