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Sanofi-Aventis announces childhood cancer programmes
Sanofi-Aventis and the International Union Against Cancer (UICC) have announced the launch of 25 programmes in 16 countries worldwide designed to fight childhood cancers.
Announced to mark World Cancer Day, the My Child Matters initiatives aim to encourage hospitals, foundations, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and other institutions to implement pragmatic programmes to enhance information, early diagnosis, access to care and treatment, pain management and social welfare of those affected by cancer.
The company reports that 4,261 under-privileged families and 7,155 children have benefited from these programmes, while 1,717 health professionals have participated in training courses.
Dr Franco Cavalli, president of the UICC, said: “This is a unique collaboration in the world of cancer.
“It is rare for a pharmaceutical company to have a department solely devoted to humanitarian
projects and it is rare for an NGO and a pharmaceutical company to work together so closely and
harmoniously to improve children’s lives.”
He added that the ultimate objective of the initiative is to increase the survival rate among children with cancer, while the My Child Matters programme has already been seen to make a genuine difference.
In December 2007, figures from the American Cancer Society revealed that 20,000 people died every day from cancer during 2007 with the majority of deaths occurring in developing countries.
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