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Home Industry News TTP Labtech and Advanced Analytical Technologies agree new partnership

TTP Labtech and Advanced Analytical Technologies agree new partnership

12th April 2017

TTP Labtech has announced a new co-marketing agreement and commercial alliance with fellow life science company Advanced Analytical Technologies.

The company will ally with Advanced Analytical Technologies – the manufacturer of the Fragment Analyzer and FEMTO Pulse nucleic acid sizing and quantity analysis systems – to offer joint solutions for miniaturising and optimising high-throughput next-generation sequencing (NGS) library preparation workflows.

New NGS methods developed by researchers at Stanford University will be delivered through a combination of TTP Labtech's Mosquito automated low-volume liquid handler and Advanced Analytical's Fragment Analyzer system.

This new workflow for single-cell RNA sequencing has been shown to reduced hands-on time from two weeks to a couple of days, while increasing the accuracy and lowering the cost.

Mosquito's precise and accurate true-positive displacement technology is used to prepare input plates for the Fragment Analyzer, automate cDNA normalisation and generate low-volume Nextera XT sequencing libraries in 384-well format, allowing the Fragment Analyzer to deliver efficient and accurate quantification and quality analysis.

Klaus Hentrich, genomics product manager at TTP Labtech, said: "Precise nanolitre scale liquid handling combined with accurate high-sensitivity quantification is key for miniaturising NGS library prep. TTP Labtech and Advanced Analytical instruments, together, provide powerful cost-effective genomics workflow solutions."

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