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HomeBlog General 6 Trends That Will Shape HR in 2019

6 Trends That Will Shape HR in 2019

4th September 2019

Zenoopa would like to welcome freelance writer Angela Baker and her first piece for us on the  6 Trends That Will Shape HR in 2019…

With every new year that comes, new trends emerge in all fields of business. Employees and employers can change their perspectives, needs, and standpoint, which can lead to a change in their relationship. All of this changes the way HR functions today.

HR trends can appear as fast as the old trends disappear and the changing occurrences of the business world are changing the face of HR. In 2019, certain trends are dominating the HR sector and are announcing even more changes to come. Let’s break it down together and see what kind of innovation is happening in HR.

1. Arrival of Generation Z

Time flies so fast and sometimes we’re not aware of how quickly things are changing until we hear something that shocks us.

Generation Z, or the people born in 1996 or later, is the upcoming workforce for the period in front of us.

Employers need to be prepared for the young workers that are coming.

This is the generation of:

–          internet and modern technologies

–          social media

–          smartphones over desktops

–          diversity

–          atypical business communication

These young people who’ve grown up with the internet, social media and other modern technologies are now mature enough to start interviewing for jobs and looking for employment.

With this in mind, the HR sector needs to focus on their specific needs and habits, and determine whether certain workplaces are offering what this generation is going to look for

2. Change of Onboarding Perspectives

If we look back in time and think about HR, its main function was to do the following:

– find an employee who can satisfy the needs of the company and the employer

This means that the process of hiring a new employee would go down something like this:

– there’s a need at the company for a new employee

– the company knows what they need in terms of skills, knowledge, and experience

– they look for a specific person who’s able to satisfy those needs

However, things are starting to change in this onboarding process. HR and employers are looking for talented people to nurture, guide and retain.

Therefore, they are starting to think about:

– how to help an employee improve

– what to teach them

– how to guide them

Specific needs of employees are being taken into consideration and some job positions are being shaped according to their needs.

3. Change of Priorities

If we look at the types of people being employed today, we can see that there is a slight shift from what we’re used to.

The typical candidate a company preferred to hire was someone:

– young

– highly educated

– with at least some experience

However, things are changing here as well.

Companies are starting to focus on talented people, regardless of whether they fit the above box or not.

This is why we find more and more companies employing:

– people with disabilities

– older workers

– veterans

“By opening their door to people of various backgrounds and potentially unconventional characteristics, HR is broadening their horizons and their opportunity to find the talent they need,” says Joshua Pearson, and HR specialist and writer at Grab My Essay.


4. IT Collaboration

With the emergence of new technologies, the IT sector has become an important factor in the company’s movement towards artificial intelligence and using robots to improve the way they do business.

HR has always been in charge of the recruitment process, interviewing, data analysis and candidate selection.

However, HR is starting to collaborate more and more with the IT sector, to further improve:

– gathering employee data

– creating functioning work teams

– selecting team leaders

– pre-boarding

– onboarding

Together, HR and IT are determining which tools, services, apps, and technologies to use, to create the perfect atmosphere for all the employees.

For example, tools and services such as Trust My Paper, Grammarly or Best Essay Education can help create impeccable handouts, presentations, emails, or any other written documentation.

By creating better systems, platforms, and conditions for the people involved in any of the processes, HR and IT collaboration deserve a place on this list.

5. Addressing Social Issues

Working in a healthy environment has become one of the top priorities of employees from all over the globe.

Consequentially, companies and employers needed to step up their game and focus on creating an atmosphere nurturing awareness of social issues.

To put it simply, people want to work for a company that is:

–  environmentally friendly

–  openly addressing social issues

–  closing the gap on gender discrimination

–  disregarding the physical appearance of employees

–  taking action to make the world a better place

For example, IKEA’s People&Planet campaign is all about sustainability, renewable energy, and being eco-friendly.

This attitude attracts talented people to become a part of a company’s team.

6. Focusing on Remote Workers

Working in a remote job position implies that you can work from wherever you want, whenever you want, as long as you get the job done.

Remote work is becoming more and more popular since it has benefits for both the employer and the employee.

However, there are certain issues the remote workers may experience:

–  loneliness

–  feeling left out

–  monotony

–  isolation

If an employee isn’t feeling good, you can’t expect them to work with their maximum focus and effort.

This is exactly why HR is focusing on addressing the issues of remote workers and helping them overcome them.

More often than not, companies organize:

–  meetings to get to know the remote workers in person

–  team-building sessions

–  office parties

–  conference calls

HR is making the remote workforce a more enjoyable experience and this trend is yet to take over.

Final Thoughts

HR is about connecting people, creating excellent work positions and keeping up with the latest innovations in the world of business. Since things are changing quickly, HR manages to adapt and change the way things are done.

The 6 HR trends from above have and will mark 2019.”


About Angela: 

Angela Baker is self-driven specialist who is currently working as a freelance writer at Studicus writing services and is trying to improve herself and her blogging career. She is always seeking to discover new ways for personal and professional growth and is convinced that it’s always important to broaden horizons. That’s why Angela develops and improves her skills throughout the writing process to help to inspire people. Also, she writes for LiveInspiredMagazine, rounding out her professional writing career.

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