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HomeBlog General How do we separate the best candidates for our clients?

How do we separate the best candidates for our clients?

23rd August 2021

Recently, two clients came to us looking to fill three junior positions. Finding candidates in a candidate led market is complex, and for junior positions, new graduates are excited and eager to apply to these jobs. But how do we separate the best candidates for our clients? 


We placed all three of these roles with the best candidates from our shortlist. However, we didn’t simply place the three required; we placed five due to the client being dazzled with the shortlist of candidates we provided. 


What differentiates candidates?


Tens of thousands of people graduate from university each year, so how do we find the best candidates? And what makes the candidates stand out to clients? Is it the difference between subjects, a master’s degree or undergrad? 


No! It simply comes down to both the candidate’s personality and characteristics. We placed five graduates; however, we interviewed a significant amount more than this. 


In the Medical Communications market, a science degree is usually a requirement. So, what helps us shortlist candidates? 


At Zenopa, we have several specific steps. Not only do we initially review the CV and check for relevant experience and education, but also their proactive work experience. In addition, we have an initial call with candidates to discuss these factors, amongst others. 


Once completed, the best candidates aligned with the client’s culture are informed about the job. Ultimately, these are the candidates we are proud to put our name behind in an application and represent in a job search. 


Once we’ve discussed the role and answered questions to ensure they feel secure and content, we then decide whether they’ll thrive in the role and if successful, only then do we send an application to our client. 


Zenopa works hard to further prepare candidates for interviews which we do using zoom calls. A large amount of the work was conducted via video, this includes registrations and interview preps, with the purpose of simulating the interview environment they were going into.


We did in-depth interview preps with each and every candidate in order to:

  • re-qualify interest
  • help them in their understanding of the industry and company
  • further deep dive into company culture
  • promote what they need to do in terms of personal research and prep.



After a few discussions with clients, the interviews roll in, and it’s in the hands of the graduates. After thorough analysis, we send the most professional, relevant and confident candidates who can prove they are perfect for the role. Ultimately, this is what places them in the position. 


Jamie Brewer’s Experience


Jamie helped all 5 candidates mentioned find a job, but one candidate in particular stood out to him. For one of the three previously mentioned jobs Jamie only sent one candidate to our client. Not because we were short of choice, but because he was confident they would get the job, even though they didn’t necessarily have the most substantial CV. Jamie’s screening call proved that the candidate was assertive, knowledgeable and culturally perfect for the client. Not only did the candidate’s character and interest match the company’s dynamic, their experience and skills precisely matched the job description.




It’s evident that it’s not just the degree and level the candidate achieves – it’s their ambition, drive and suitability for the role. 


Numerous candidates apply for jobs continuously and across multiple markets, spending a considerate amount of time looking. That’s why Zenopa is important because we listen and communicate with our candidates. We find out what we think their degree will be suitable for and what they feel they are good for. If the candidate isn’t happy within the role and doesn’t fit the company’s culture, they will not be productive. Thus, we must ensure the candidate applies for the job that is right for them. Sometimes the simplest methods work best, talking and finding out what will be best for each individual candidate.


We had tremendous success with these three roles. We sent applications for many candidates, but we also excluded a few more than that, simply because some people apply without knowing what the role entails. This wouldn’t be good for any parties because the candidate won’t be successful in their position, and the client won’t be happy.


Those who have graduated from university should make it their priority to talk to recruiters, understanding which jobs are available and which jobs they will enjoy doing. 


The best advice we can give to graduates is to simply do the research about what job you truly want to do. Don’t waste your time applying to every company out there. Speak to a recruiter and let them help you find the perfect fit for you.

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