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HomeBlog Pharmaceutical The Zenopa team #wearitpink

The Zenopa team #wearitpink

27th October 2014

Wednesday 22nd October was a day of pink! The Zenopa team (and the kitchen) spent the day in pink raising vital funds for Breakthrough Breast Cancer. In total, an amazing £200 was raised by our generous team. Fundraising activities such as a raffle, bingo and a tuck shop all helped the Zenopa team dig deep into their pockets.

“It was such a fantastic day – we raised an unprecedented amount for a CSR day! It was great for everyone to get involved and support such a good charity” says Heather Bosworth, Marketing Manager.

Zenopa’s new CSR programme means we run an event every 2 months. The charities are chosen by our staff members, so each person has their own charity to support. “It makes raising money much more personal, especially when you’re raising money for your/your colleague’s charity. Everyone has a story to tell as to why they have chosen that particular charity which has really encouraged our team to give generously.” comments Heather Bosworth.

Breakthrough Breast Cancer was a charity chosen by Emma Harrington, Office Assistant. The next CSR day will take place in 2 months’ time – more details to follow!



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