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HomeBlog General You’re Hired! Join Zenopa’s Apprentice Scheme

You’re Hired! Join Zenopa’s Apprentice Scheme

23rd March 2018

You’ve have hit a crossroads in your life. With months before you finish school you’re still on the fence about what you want to do after? Do you want to go to uni? Do you want the debt? What do you want to do with your life? Do you need to go to uni to do that? Are there other options?

We can help you with the last question. Apprenticeships are a great way to start your career.

What is an apprenticeship?

An apprenticeship is a government funded work programme combing a mixture of on the job training with classroom learning. You will be employed by a professional working company whilst studying for a formal qualification, usually requiring you to attend college or training centre one day a week.

By the end of the apprenticeship, you will gain the skills and knowledge that is required for you to succeed in your chosen career or to progress onto the next apprenticeship level. The average length of time to complete an apprenticeship is three – four years but this can vary depending on the industry, and the range of skills you can learn with the employer.

Why should you consider an apprenticeship?

You will gain experience within a working environment

You are provided with hands on training and real experience of the working environment within your chosen industry. Although you may not experience the university lifestyle, the gained experience will boost your CV for any future employment, something many university students don’t gain.

You will enhance your skills

Whilst undertaking your apprenticeship, you will be constantly developing skills such as Communication, team work, numeracy, knowledge of IT and problem solving which are all highly valued by employers.

You will Earn and Learn

Unlike at university, you will receiving a salary whilst gaining qualifications. Although the wage is lower it’s still something. Apprentices must be paid the standard National Minimum Wage suited to their age group, but many employers do tend to pay slightly higher than this. They may also have other benefits available for you. (Gym Memberships, work team building activities etc) but this is not guaranteed.

You have no debt

Many university students spend their working life paying back their university loan. According to the Students Loan Company, university debts have risen to £100 Billion (figures at March 2017). As an apprenticeships is government funded, once you complete, you will be debt free.

You will have an increase in confidence.

Once you have finished your apprenticeship, you will already have work experience and know the expectations within the job. Any uncertainties that normally arise at first interview will not be there as you will already know from your previous work experience what to expect.

Your holidays are paid for

Although your holidays will be shorter than if you attended uni, you can go away in the knowledge that even though you’re not at work, your being paid for being away.

You will gain access to Higher Apprenticeships

If you’re not sure about University right now, then it doesn’t necessarily mean that if you don’t go now, you will never be able to go. Recognised qualifications such as BTEC and NVQ’s can be used to help you gain a university place if you wanted to in the future. This doesn’t work for every career as undergraduate degrees are essential in some fields (i.e. medicine, law and science) so It essential that research is carried out to make sure this is possible within your chosen career.

Thinking about a career in Recruitment?

If an apprenticeship sounds right up your street, Zenopa is seeking candidates to join our Apprenticeship scheme.

Recruitment is a fast paced environment that offers variety, good progression opportunities and a chance for you to support, guide and help others land their dream job. You will only get out what you put in, so you will need to be passionate, hardworking and incredibly motivated, but rest assured the rewards and recognition makes it all worthwhile.

Come visit the team at #Talent Tuesday Exhibition

If this is sounding right up your street and you would like to find out more, Zenopa is attending Buckinghamshire Business First’s #TalentTuesday Exhibition. We will be joining local Buckinghamshire businesses who are looking for people like you to join their apprenticeship schemes in IT, Engineering, Retail, Business Service, Social Care, Recruitment, and Sports Coaching.

If you would like to find out more about Zenopa’s Apprenticeship scheme, you can pop down to Buckinghamshire New University between 18.00pm – 20.00pm and chat to our team, or you can contact our internal recruiter Angela Robertson on +44 (0)1494 818044 or email angela@zenopa.com

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